Friday, August 7, 2009


bad day.

found out my scale is off by about five pounds. thought i was close to my goal weight. i'm not.

ate a bunch of ritz crackers. felt like i might legitimately throw up. purged. now feel even worse.

stupid stupid stupid
stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupi.

i'll try to write more later.

hope everyone else is doing better than me!



  1. Are you sure your scale is off? Both the mechanical scale and the digital scale at my boyfriend's mother's house tell me I'm five pounds heavier than the scales I've had at home. I'm convinced there's some weird gravity flux over there. :] lol it makes no sense!

  2. Um.
    Not doing better than you.
    But that is a total bummer that you had some strange twist of gravity affect your household. You should still feel as amazing as you did when you thought you were that weight because youve come a long ways! :)
    Stay strong lovely.
